Analyzing the node-sass installation process

 First understand the process of installing node-sass :

  1. npm Pull down the node-sass package;

  2. Pull the corresponding binding.node compiler based on the node version and the node-sass version, due to the fact that sass has a special compilation language and needs to download the corresponding version of the compiler in order to compile; ( node scripts/install.js phase)

  3.  If you can pull down binding.node then [Installation Successful];

    If the corresponding binding.node package is not found, it fails, and then a local compilation is attempted.

 Reasons for possible failure

 I. Network instability

The first thing to know is that when installing node-sass , a .node file is downloaded from at the node scripts/install.js stage. Most unsuccessful installations originate from here because the files in GitHub Releases are hosted at , which is always “unstable” in China, so we need to download the file from a third-party server.

 method settle an issue

 1. Using Taobao mirrors
npm set sass_binary_site

 Then re-execute npm i node-sass to complete the installation.

 2. Use of ladders

Assuming your ladder has a third-party server turned on on your local machine, simply configure it as follows to install node-sass properly (if you have PAC mode turned on instead of global mode, you’ll also need to add to the PAC list):

npm config set proxy
npm i node-sass

npm config delete proxy
 3. Locally specified .node files

For example, when we install node-sass we can see that it requires the download of the version-specific .node file:

$ npm install --save-dev node-sass
> [email protected] install D:\WorkSpace\node-sass-test\node_modules\gulp-sass\node_modules\node-sass
> node scripts/install.js

Downloading binary from

If your office environment does not have access to an external network, then you can download the .node file (download the version corresponding to node-sass as well as the corresponding operating system) from a computer with Internet access, and then transfer it to an offline computer to specify the binary path to install it, execute the following command to complete the installation:

npm i -D [email protected] --sass_binary_path=D:\files\win32-x64-72_binding.node

 II. Local compilation without Python environment

 Method 1: via NPM package

Network under normal circumstances to install node-sass is not required Python environment, if you can not pull down the corresponding binding.node will enter the try [local compilation], and then will check whether the conditions: need python environment, the reported error will generally prompt the python is not installed (or Mac , comes with python environment does not have these troubles), the installation of the following two packages can be quickly resolved:

Note though: the way to pull the package requires cmd to be opened in administrator mode! ! !

npm install -g node-gyp
npm install --global --production windows-build-tools

If the local network is good, these two packages if installed successfully, node-sass basically can be installed successfully, but if your office environment to limit the network may also be more pitiful, reference: offline installation node-gyp.

 Method 2: Build a Python environment (2.7 recommended)

  • 1. Go to the official website and download… ;

  • 2. After successful installation, add the installation path of python to the system variables in the environment variables;
  •  3. Execute npm rebuild node-sass to refactor it;
  •  4. Re-implementation npm install node-sass

Third, the node-sass version does not match the current Node version

binding.node can’t be pulled down and compiled due to a mismatch between the node version and the node-sass version.

node-sass Version compatibility is not good, the old project depends on node-sass is probably not compatible with the new node version, the corresponding version compatibility reference is as follows (or official repository):

NodeJSSupported node-sass versionNode Module
Node 155.0+88
Node 144.14+83
Node 13 4.13+, <5.079
Node 124.12+72
Node 11 4.10+, <5.067
Node 104.9+64
Node 8 4.5.3+, <5.057
 Node <8 <5.0<57

For example, if I install [email protected] under the environment of Node 8 , the installation will report an error that the corresponding binding.node cannot be found, as follows:

$ npm install --save-dev node-sass
> [email protected] install D:\WorkSpace\mumble-next-ng\node_modules\gulp-sass\node_modules\node-sass
> node scripts/install.js

Downloading binary from
Cannot download "":

HTTP error 404 OK

If you get a 404, you can change the version of node-sass or node .

 Specific reference programs:

npm i [email protected]

Because Node 8 can’t install node-sass 3.x that’s for sure ( Node 7 is for 3.x ), so you have to install node-sass 4.x .

If there are still packages like gulp-sass in the project, and node-sass 3.x is used inside gulp-sass 2.x , there will still be a pitfall, so gulp-sass will have to be replaced with 3.x , and it is recommended to install [email protected] .

 Fourth, did not clear the cache

Remember to npm uninstall xxx clear the cache left by the packet loading error after each failed packet loading error report.

For example, if npm i -D node-sass reports an error, you have to run npm uninstall node-sass again and then reinstall it.

 Common Mirror Source Settings

Due to the domestic network environment or office network environment limitations, load npm package will always encounter a variety of pitfalls, here to share some other common NPM mirror address settings:

$ npm set registry  
$ npm set disturl     

$ npm config set proxy  
$ npm set sass_binary_site # node-sass
$ npm i -D [email protected] --sass_binary_path=C:\Users\<username>\Downloads\win32-x64-57_binding.node 

$ npm set chromedriver_cdnurl # chromedriver 
$ npm set operadriver_cdnurl # operadriver 
$ npm set phantomjs_cdnurl # phantomjs
$ npm set fse_binary_host_mirror # fsevents 
$ npm set electron_mirror # electron 


By lzz

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